Thursday, October 31, 2019
Law Enforcement Challenges Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Law Enforcement Challenges - Research Paper Example The country has three main broad categories of the law which include; civil law, criminal law and regulatory law. Therefore, there are no specific statutes that deal with the crimes that are perpetrated by cyber criminals. The government should collaborate with stakeholders in the information technology industry to come up with laws that will curb the harassment and obscenity involved in cyber stalking, bullying and exploitation. The law enforcement would be able to categorize the different cyber crimes (Brenner, 2010). Law enforcement agencies should also recruit individuals in the information technology sector to guide them in coming up with hackers and other cyber criminals out to exploit innocent people. States should have the ability to work with one another when a cyber crime is carried out across state lines. The law enforcement agencies in the different states should share the knowledge that they hold so that they put an end to the crimes that are committed by these criminals. Some of the most disturbing crimes that are carried out through the internet involve young innocent children by pedophiles (Reyes, 2007). States throughout the country should distribute any information that they might have concerning cyber crimes to ensure that no harm is done on innocent
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
America in the revolutionary era Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
America in the revolutionary era - Essay Example People were given more natural rights, allowing them to choose a system of laws and other rights. The principles of republicanism played a large role in the new rights given to citizens. It gave a greater emphasis on liberty, rule by the people (and for the people), as well as an emphasis on the civic virtue that was practiced by citizens. This is an example of the modern changes, showing that, aside from the government, which was now local as opposed to distant, citizens had a saw in their rights and laws. 3. Debt was another matter that was touched as a result of the American War of Independence. It became the job of the new and improved modern government to pay off the foreign debts, and to those that had had a place in the war. It was promised that the Constitution would also create a government that would take care of the debts to soldiers, merchants, and farmers. This was a step in the direction of modernity as it allowed the national credit to be established. If the political rhetoric of revolutionary America followed the scientific belief that all human beings were essentially alike, then the freeing of all the slaves in the system would have done good for the new republic, as they would be acting on something that America, as a whole, believed in. Whether racism or prejudice was a factor or not, if humans are to be viewed as similar, then they should each be treated as equally as all of the others. It would do no good to have a hypocritical republic. As citizens had more of a say in the laws and rights that were set down, with the thought of liberty in mind, then the same would go for those that were enslaved. However, that only applies if the republic honestly believed that all humans were the same, therefore being allowed to be treated the same. If the republic was the reason for the slave system, then they had every power to rid of it and free the slaves. It was
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Library Management System
Library Management System Development and connection to multiple online /www database using jsp Introduction: There are many web based application running with only single database. It has some problems such as performance issues etc but we are going to implement the Our primarily purpose is to connect the multiple databases with the application to decrease the database terrific and make it efficient. On the other hand we will To Online Library Management systems that connect to multiple databases. When any user will come to access the application and do registration then its information will be saved only one database on the base of implemented business logic of the databases. Library Management System will give you facility to search the online books on the base of different options, reserve the books in advance, user management and interactive report module. All the search information will come from different databases. Problem Statement The problem with the existing system is that most of the online application is based single or centralized database. When multiple users comes and access the same application at the same time than the response time of the application goes slow due to huge amount of requests as long as database processing also go slow to process the all requests and application go stuck. Although all data stored in only single database and if the central database fails then whole application will not work. Aim and objective: The main aim of this project is to build online application that integrate the more than one connection with the multiple databases as in result query processing time will also go faster because information will be saved in different or more than one database. There are many objectives which well use after implement  · Remove the Database Centric Concept.  · Increase the Database performance and its speed.  · Minimize the database load.  · Improve the Processing power of each system Proposed methodologies Methodology is processes that focus on what information is collected and how to analyze it. In our Development and Connect multiple databases we will implement the RAD methodology.RAD stands for Rapid Application Development as long as product can be implemented rapidly with high quality.RAD produce the quick and dirty prototype application or software which satisfied the customer needs and requirements. In RAD the software developed in series of cycles which probably know time boxes. The main advantage of RAD is that customer gives the feedback on each completion of phase of software. Without completion of previous phase the next phase cannot be started. Expected artefact / outcomes: The expected outcomes of development and connect multiple databases is that it provides the online Library Management System in which user can get registration and search the different kind of books on base of different parameter such as BookID, Author Name etc as long as confirm the booking of book in advance. By connecting the more than two databases with each other, system will execute the efficient, reliable and reduce the database terrific as well as database performance will be increased. Technologies for implementation Java:- Java is one of the most popular language that currently using for Software Development because its an open source features. There are many features provide by Java such as JVM(Java virtual Machine) is use to translate the Java program into machine language, JIT(Just in time complier) to compile all the methods of the coded program[1], exceptional handling and gives the rich support of JDBC API for communication with the Database. We will implement this project in Java. So, all the methods, Classes, Interfaces, Data Types will be implemented in Java. In order to Java version well implement it using Java 6 or latest version. Servlet:- Servlet is a Java class which use of Web based Application. This class is same like the Simple Java class but it has some extra features and interfaces that make it powerful. In server there are many features available like Session Handling, Request, Response, and Dispatcher etc [2]. All the requests of the clients handle on the servlet. JSP:- JSP stands for Java Server Pages and its server side programming language that provide the dynamic web pages feature. Its known as a scripting language. it has built in JSTL( JSP Standard Tag Library) to do some actions and components such as scriptlet, expression. In our project well use JSP as a view and follow the MVC architecture. We will controller to control the terrific of the application, implement the Business logic in Business Layer and JSP as a view. Java Script JavaScript is an Object-oriented programming language and client side scripting. JavaScript code embedded in the HTML and run on the users web browser [4].Like Java, it also has Classes, method and data types but different is Java is run on Server side and JavaScript run on Client Side. You can also generate Dynamic html. In our project well use Java Script only for validation purpose. Itll validate the data such as BookID, Date and address of the book. MySQL:- MYSQL is a relational database managements system that provides the multi databases access to all the users. Its going popular day by day as well as it has no license fee. It has many powerful features such as stored procedures, locking and unlocking, views and triggers. In our project well use MYSQLl as a backend database to store all the data of Library Management System. There will be more than two databases used in our project to store, view, update and delete the existing data. Whenever user will send a search request then itll search the data to all the databases. Apache Tomcat Server:- Apache Tomcat Server is a web server that Java Servlet container. A Web server the listen the HTTP request which is sent by the user and return the response. All the websites, application will be deployed under the Tomcat Server cond Structure. Tomcat is good because it supports both the Java Servlet and JSP pages. In our application well use the latest release of Apache Tomcat 6.x. Design/Structural Formation High Level Design In Development and connecting multiple database application, when user send the searching request then application will search the data from those databases in which search data is saved and return the result from all databases. Project Plan: Interim Project Report 1 week Requirement Analysis 1 week Design 4 days Implementation 3 week Poster Design 3 days Testing 1 week References: 1. Effectiveness of Cross-Platform Optimizations for a Java Just-In-Time Compiler by Kazuaki Ishizaki, Mikio Takeuchi, Kiyokuni Kawachiya, Toshio Suganuma, Osamu Gohda, Tatsushi Inagaki, Akira Koseki, Kazunori Ogata, Motohiro Kawahito, Toshiaki Yasue, Takeshi Ogasawara, Tamiya Onodera, Hideaki Komatsu, and Toshio Nakatani Page[1] 2. An Introduction to Java Servlet Programming by Vandana Pursnani 3. An Online Bookstore Using JSP Technology by Jose Hughes 4. Characterizing Insecure JavaScript Practices on the Web by Chuan Yue, Haining Wang[1]
Friday, October 25, 2019
Psychotherapy Essay -- Psychodynamic Therapy
The aim of psychotherapy is to encourage self-awareness and self-evaluation in order to enable transformation and facilitate possibility. It is this self-evaluation process that is crucial to personal agency (McKay, 1987) and integral to psychodynamic therapy (PDT) and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). This essay will critically evaluate cognitive behavioural and psychodynamic theories regarding self-awareness and self-evaluation and explore ways in which these theories and their understanding of self may be utilised within clinical hypnosis. CBT and rational emotive behaviour therapy REBT (Ellis, 1955) rely on self-reflection and evaluation in order to achieve success. CBT utilises the stimulus -response (SR) model (Pavlov, 1903). Reflexive response to stimulus (Gross, 2005) becomes modified to stimulus –cognition- response (SCR) (Beck, 1967). This introduces a reflective element, similar to the input- processing -output schema found in the computational model of the mind (Putman, 1961, 1988; Fodor, 1979). Decision-making and rationality (Jones and Pulos, 1993) are employed in order to negotiate knowledge of internal influence. Once this knowledge is perceived cognitions are evaluated and reassessed before rational alternatives are generated (Ellis, 1962). Thereby introducing the possibility of transformation. CBT is most effective with anxiety disorders (Beck et al 1985; Schoenberger et al, 1997; Brown 2007) and eating disorders (Baker and Nash, 1987; Griffiths et al, 1996). Meta analysis also supports the use o f CBT with depression (Gaffan, Tsaosis, Kemp-Wheeler, 1995; Butter and Beck, 2000). However, whilst some studies suggest that CBT is most effective when used alone i.e. without drugs (Marks, Swinson, Basoglu, Kuch, N... ...hin hypnotherapeutic practice. Freud’s regression technique is usefully employed within hypnosis in order to gain insight or to recognise the source of a problem e.g. inner child work, counting back. Furthermore, Freud’s concept regarding trauma fixation which concerns psychosexual stages may be used to indicate the root cause of habitual behaviours e.g. oral re: eating, oral aggressive re: nail biting, anal-retentive re: OCD. Having said this it is important to recognise the flaws within Freud’s research. Firstly, his sample group are not universally representative. Secondly, the culture and era make theories less relevant to today. Furthermore, research comes from a personal perspective and therefore is not empirically sound. It could also be argued that too much emphasis is put on sexuality being at the root of psychological and behavioural problems throughout.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Analysis Of A Problematic Transactional Process English Literature Essay
The client is a seven adolescent twelvemonth old African American male in the 11th class at Piper High School. The client was referred to the societal work section by his English instructor who was concerned by the pupils withdraw and unhappiness. The client was raised by his male parent and his female parent. However, the client ‘s female parent committed suicide two old ages ago while she was deployed ; the client was 5th adolescent old ages old. The client is presently remaining with his paternal grandma after his male parent asked him to go forth his place. The client has two younger siblings whom reside with the male parent. The client has late come out to his household and informed them that he is cheery. The primary life stressor for the client is the decease of his female parent and attached is the loss of relationship with his male parent. Indeed, the client feels like he has lost both parents. The client informed his male parent that he is cheery and the male parent evicted the client from the place and informed the client that he is disinheriting the young person because of his sexual orientation. The life passage came to the attending of the worker during the first meeting with the client. The client informed the worker of the state of affairs. The bureau ‘s position is that the issue with the client is his withdraw from the schoolroom, unhappiness and the possible effects of his behaviour on his faculty members. The bureau placed small accent on the female parent ‘s self-destruction because it did non take to the client ‘s current state of affairs. The exhibiting behaviour began taking topographic point after the client told his household about his sexual orie ntation. In kernel the bureau says that the young person did hold troubles with his household in coming out, but that is non what caused a break in the relationship, it appeared to be his noncompliant behaviour at place. However, this societal work intern believes the precipitating factor for the client ‘s eviction from the place had to make with the client ‘s coming out episode, and his defeat and hapless get bying accomplishments in covering with his female parent ‘s decease. The client admitted to holding a â€Å" attitude †job prior to the coming out episode, but the job increased dramatically one time the client came out and the male parent rejected him. Besides, the client started utilizing drugs which was a manner of dulling and get bying with his depression because of his female parent ‘s self-destruction and because the client wanted to state his household he is cheery and he was concerned that they would non accept him. In the first meeting with the client, the client and the societal work intern worked on catching. The session focused on three stairss: clear uping the intent, clear uping the function, and making for the client ‘s feedback ( Shulman, 2006 ) . Then the worker and client discussed countries for work, and agreed to work on grief guidance. The client admitted to this worker that since his female parent ‘s decease he has had a hard clip accepting his female parent ‘s decease. The client stated that his female parent knew of his sexual orientation and was supportive. However, since the decease of his female parent he does non hold the support and he believes his male parent would non hold evicted him from the place if the female parent was still alive. The client besides admitted to increased drug usage since his eviction from his male parent ‘s place. The client reported that it was hard for him to get by with his female parent ‘s decease, but so to be rejec ted from his male parent made the state of affairs intolerable so he turned to drugs more frequently for alleviation. When the client and the worker met the procedure consisted of the worker inquiring the client what issue or job the client wanted to work on. The followers is an except of the catching session, â€Å" Hey, Jacob. We are run intoing today because I wanted to cognize if there is something that is trouble oneselfing you or something you would wish to speak about? †The client so proceeded to depict his battle with the decease of his female parent and the recent eviction from his male parent ‘s place. The client and the worked agreed to work on feelings of heartache and loss because of the decease of his female parent, and seeking to either repair the relationship with his male parent or header with his male parent ‘s positions and develop a societal support web to back up him through this life passage. The work, so, will concentrate on â€Å" mobilizing or beef uping real-life ties between the client and important others, restoring old linkages, or assisting the clie nt discovery and develop new connexions †( Germain & A ; Gitterman, 1996, pp.179 ) . The work will besides help the client with treating the decease of his female parent. The end is to assist the client with his feelings of grief/loss, emotional isolation, and as mentioned above aid strengthen or develop new connexions for the young person ( Germain & A ; Gitterman, 1996, pp.179 ) . The work between the client and worker was an agreed upon venture. The worker in concurrence with the client established a common understanding for work, a common land to get down the work ( Shulman, 2006 ) . The worker and the client both agreed that working on heartache guidance and trying to mend the relationship with the young person ‘s male parent was a good point to get down the curative confederation. This worker believes that mutualness has been achieved because both worker and client have agreed to work the same issues. The environment plays an of import portion in the overall wellbeing of the client, for the environment can be a strength or barrier for the client ( Krist-Ashman, 2000 ) . Indeed, the client in this instance faces many challenges in his environment. The decease of the client ‘s female parent by self-destruction is a social tabu ( Webb, 1996 ) . Furthermore, the client reported that equals and neighbours would frequently inquire why his female parent would make such a thing. Furthermore, the vicinity is really spiritual and they did non react good to a self-destruction because in the Baptist tradition self-destruction is a wickedness against God ( Webb, 1996 ) . In add-on, the vicinity is low-income and there does non look to be many resources available for the client and his household. The self-destruction of his female parent is looked upon as shameful and an act of disbelievers, harmonizing to the client. The client does non hold much support from his household either. Since the decease of his female parent, the household has non openly talked about the self-destruction. The male parent has non mentioned it one time to the client. The lone mention, harmonizing to the client, is when the client told his male parent that he is cheery ; the male parent responded that the client has the same iniquitous nature as his female parent. The household is making barriers because they are non admiting the world of the decease and are non sharing the lost experience, at least non with the client ( Walsh & A ; McGoldrick, 1991 ) . The identified resource available to the client is his close friend. The client states that he finds support in his friend and negotiations to him about the decease of his female parent. The client will be referred to Henderson Mental Health and go on to have guidance with the societal work houseman. Besides, the client identified a spiritual leader in the community that offered his services to the client and his household, but the client is loath to take up the offer since the spiritual leader is viewed as a defiant because of his irregular patterns. The client besides identified a household member who he can speak to and is accepting of his sexual orientation.The Client-Worker MinutessPresentation: This is the 2nd meeting with the client. The client reported to his instructor that he was experiencing really down. Degree centigrade: I wish I could merchandise topographic points with my female parent. I wish I could travel to kip and merely wake up and this is all back to normal. W: I can feel that you are sad, Jacob. It must be hard to loss person you love so much. Jacob, do you believe what you merely said is possible? Do you think you could travel back in clip or merely wake up and all this will be back to normal? Skill: Empathy, exposing apprehension of client ‘s feelings, oppugning, Reaching for client feedback Reading the client: I truly lose my female parent. I feel hopeless and incapacitated. I wish some miracle could happen and wipe out this hurting. Why did she hold to go forth me so shortly? Reading the worker: I feel so bad for this client. How can I alleviate his hurting. I feel like there is nil I can state or make to alleviate his hurting. I think he is traveling through the bargaining phase of heartache and loss. I have to calculate out a manner to indicate out his irrational thought. I wonder if by trading topographic points ( make he mean ) he besides wishes to decease. Measure your action: I was on mark. I pick-up on the client ‘s Bargaining phase and addressed the irrational belief. I demonstrated empathy and showed apprehension of the client ‘s feelings. Environmental or structural influences: Possibly if I were younger I would hold been able to pass on this efficaciously. Another Attempt: I can feel that you are sad. It must be hard to loss person. Sometimes when we loss person we tend to believe about material that Is non possible. It is normal to hold these ideas. However, you have to recognize that they are non rational. Label New Skills: Empathy, exposing apprehension of client ‘s feelings, Reframing. I employed these accomplishments because I wanted to normalise the client ‘s experience, but besides indicate out that the ideas are irrational. Presentation: This is our 3rd meeting and the client complained of feelings of desperation and weakness. The client has besides refused to take part in any school activities. Degree centigrade: I feel so lost without my female parent. I do non cognize who I can turn to for support like I did with her. I need aid and my female parent is non at that place. Tungsten: It must be hard to loss the one whom you found soothe it. I do n't cognize how that feels but it must ache. You mention necessitating aid, can you state me more? Skill: Empathy, exposing apprehension of client ‘s feelings, making for feelings and facts, and oppugning. Reading the client: I truly miss her. I found way and comfort in cognizing that she was at that place for me. Where and how can I find that without her here. I am so overwhelmed, who can I turn excessively? Reading the worker: I do non cognize precisely what to state. I feel like he is experiencing hopeless and needs that individual to soothe him, but what do I make. I think he is traveling through so many things, but he will non state me all. I understand that we are still in the beginning of the relationship, but what do I make. Measure your action: I do non believe I was on mark. I should hold expressed what I think he was experiencing and informed him that I can seek to assist. I should hold said that I am here to help. Environmental or structural influences: I should of told him that I can seek to assist him, that I ‘m able to assist him. Another Attempt: It must be hard to loss the one whom you found soothe it. I do n't cognize how that feels but it must ache. I know I am non your female parent I may non supply the same comfort that your female parent could hold provided but I like to work with you on these issues. Possibly you can state me what you need aid with and I can seek to help you with it. Label New Skills: Empathy, exposing apprehension of client ‘s feelings. The employed these accomplishments because I wanted the client to understand that I can sense his helpless and that although his female parent is non here he can seek to happen aid through me and finally person else..Presentation: This is our 4th session. He purportedly asked one of his instructor why his life is so f***ed up. Degree centigrade: I ca n't believe of anything but the decease of my female parent. Sometimes that is all I think of. I think about how she died and why she did it to me. Tungsten: It is great that you grieve openly because that is normal. You must experience desperation, anxiousness, and confusion because of her decease. I think you are traveling to have to seek to set to the alteration so you can go on with your life. What do you think your female parent would desire you to make? # 3 Skill: Empathy, exposing apprehension of client ‘s feelings, seting the client ‘s mute feelings into words. Reading the client: I think I am traveling loony. I merely think of my female parent. I inquire how it would be if she were here now. Can I acquire over this? Reading the worker: I do n't cognize if I can make this. I ca n't look to acquire him past this phase. What am I traveling to make? I wonder if I am merely non equipped for this sort of client. Measure your action: I was non on mark. I did demo empathy but I used guilt stumbling every bit good. Environmental or structural influences: None Another Attempt: I can feel your unhappiness and desperation. I can merely image what it would be like to lose my female parent. Alternatively of concentrating on the decease itself, have you tried retrieve all the good times you had with your female parent? Label New Skills: Empathy, exposing apprehension of client ‘s feelings, and tuning into client ‘s sense of urgency. I used these accomplishments because I wanted the client to believe more about the good times. I did non desire to state him to halt believing about his female parent, but merely concentrate on the positive. Presentation: This is our 5th session. Last session we discussed get bying accomplishments. It has been hard to acquire past the phase of bargaining and the beginning stage with this client. Degree centigrades: You know, I merely want to utilize any sort of drug I can to dull the hurting of my female parent ‘s decease. I frequently think possibly it would be better if I merely stayed high all the clip. Tungsten: You could make that but it will merely dissemble the hurting. The hurting will still be their, even when you are high. Possibly we can work together to ease the hurting for you, alternatively of dissembling it. Skill: Sessional and overall catching accomplishments, exposing apprehension of client ‘s feelings, making for client feedback, exposing forces that support or keep the job. Reading the client: I feel things will be much easier to bear if I stay high. I will non hold to believe about my jobs any more. I merely want these jobs to travel off. Reading the worker: I am truly tried. It is 3:30pm and I have been working all twenty-four hours. I do n't believe I am acquiring far with this client. I feel like he merely wants to vent and I am more interested in work outing jobs. Possibly that is my issue, I keep concentrating on what I want alternatively of what the client wants. Measure your actions: I was on mark. I offered a different manner to get by with the loss alternatively of utilizing drugs. I pointed out a force that contributes to the job. Another Attempt: I bet it must be difficult to loss person. I ca n't image how you feel. However, I do cognize that usage drugs to dissemble the hurting will non ease or take the hurting. Possibly we can work together to happen other ways for you to trade with the hurting. Label New Skills: Empathy, exposing apprehension of client ‘s feelings, and tuning into client ‘s sense of urgency, I used these exposing forces that support or maintain the job. This clip around I used empathy and tried to understand the client ‘s feelings. Presentation: This is our 6th session. Last session the client agreed to research alternate ways to get by with his female parent ‘s decease. The client besides agreed that drugs are non the reply. Degree centigrades: You know, I merely want to utilize any sort of drug I can to dull the hurting of my female parent ‘s decease. I frequently think possibly it would be better if I merely stayed high all the clip. Tungsten: You could make that but it will merely dissemble the hurting. The hurting will still be their, even when you are high. Possibly we can work together to ease the hurting for you, alternatively of dissembling it. Skill: Sessional and overall catching accomplishments, exposing apprehension of client ‘s feelings, making for client feedback, exposing forces that support or keep the job. Reading the client: I feel things will be much easier to bear if I stay high. I will non hold to believe about my jobs any more. I merely want these jobs to travel off. Reading the worker: I am truly tried. It is 7pm and I have been working all twenty-four hours. I do n't believe I am acquiring far with this client. I feel like he merely wants to vent and I am more interested in work outing jobs. Possibly that is my issue, I keep concentrating on what I want alternatively of what the client wants. Measure your actions: I was on mark. I offered a different manner to get by with the loss alternatively of utilizing drugs. I pointed out a force that contributes to the job. Another Attempt: I bet it must be difficult to loss person. I ca n't image how you feel. However, I do cognize that usage drugs to dissemble the hurting will non ease or take the hurting. Possibly we can work together to happen other ways for you to trade with the hurting. Label New Skills: Empathy, exposing apprehension of client ‘s feelings, and tuning into client ‘s sense of urgency, I used these exposing forces that support or maintain the job. This clip around I used empathy and tried to understand the client ‘s feelings..Presentation: This is our 7th session. The instructors report that the client seems more wellbeing. He has followed his intervention program at Henderson Mental Health and substance maltreatment guidance. Degree centigrades: The thing that fusss me is that I feel like I will ever be unhappy. I feel like I will fall apart. I do n't cognize what I will make with my life. Tungsten: It is hard to cover with the loss of a loved 1. The feelings you are sing are normal. Leting spell of a loved one is really hard. Skill: Normalzing, exposing apprehension of client ‘s feelings, empathy, Supporting client ‘s in forbidden countries. Reading the client: I feel like I ca n't acquire over this. I feel like life will be atrocious and I will ne'er be happy once more. I ca n't allow travel because that means I do n't truly care about her. Reading the worker: I think he is get downing to recognize that he has to allow travel and continue with his life. I feel atrocious stating what I said to him because I know it is difficult. I wonder what my supervisor would state? I feel good because I think we are doing some advancement. Measure your actions: I was on mark. I expressed that this is normal and showed empathy. I believe this was the appropriate thing to make. Another Attempt: I can conceive of how hard this must be for you. These feelings are normal. You likely think that this will non stop, but it will. You likely experience guilty about non hold those feelings and that is normal excessively. Label New Skills: Empathy, exposing apprehension of client ‘s feelings, Normalizing, back uping client in forbidden country. The accomplishments I used are the same, but this clip around I think I came off a small better..Presentation: This is our eight session. The young person has continued to come on slightly. He continues to go to mental wellness and chemical dependence guidance. Degree centigrade: I do n't believe you understand what it is to lose person. You work here and are paid to listen to our jobs, but you do n't understand. I bet you do n't even care about one of us in this topographic point, right? Tungsten: Expression, I am sorry you feel that manner, but you do n't cognize what I feel. Yes, I work here. I besides care about the people I work with and function. You are merely angry at everyone because of your lose, and I can understand that. However, you should non take it out on me. If you work with me than we can work together on your job, but do n't assail me. Skill: disputing the semblance of work, exposing apprehension of client ‘s feelings, ask foring uncertainties and concerns, re-clarifying worker ‘s intent and function, facilitative confrontation. Reading the client: I do n't experience like I am acquiring any aid. I think he does n't care about me. Why am I run intoing with him. I bet this is merely a occupation for him. I think he does n't cognize what it means to lose person, or he would understand me better. Reading the worker: I feel attacked. I feel like stating him where the snake pit to travel. I spent this clip seeking to assist and this is the thank you I receive. Measure your actions: I was manner off mark. I should hold been more diplomatic and non allow it acquire to me. I should command myself and recognize that he is merely allowing his choler out. Another Attempt: I am sorry you feel that I do n't understand. I want to understand. I want you to state me more so I can understand. I do desire to assist, but you have to allow me in so I can work with you. Label New Skills: Empathy, exposing apprehension of client ‘s feelings, re- clear uping worker ‘s intent, facilitative confrontation, doing a demand for work. Presentation: This is our 9th session. The young person mentioned to this worker that he realizes that his grieving is non leting him to travel on with his life. The client wants the worker to help him with accepting the decease of his female parent and moving on with his life. Degree centigrade: I do n't desire to go on this manner. I want to be able to non be depressed all the clip. I miss my female parent but I do n't desire to experience the manner that I do. I want to hold my life back. W: I can feel how frustrating and hard it must be for you even stating these words. You must believe that traveling on with your life agencies burying about your female parent, but it does non. I am glad you want to work on traveling on and we can make that together. We have to work together in order to achieve that end. I do n't hold all the replies and if I did, you still have to make your portion in order to accomplish that end. Skill: Empathy, exposing apprehension of client ‘s feelings, making for feedback about assisting procedure, seting client ‘ mute feelings into words, Reading the client: I do n't wish this feeling. I want to travel back to feeling the manner I did before my female parent passed. I am ready to work on my grieving and travel frontward, but I do n't cognize how. Reading worker: I think the hebdomads of us run intoing are get downing to payoff. I feel like he is truly ready to work on the grieving. I feel good, like I am really making something right. I think from here I will experience more confident about the work. Measure your action: I believe I was on mark. I addressed the client desiring to work on his grieving and acquisition to set to the life passage. I besides reminded the young person that we have to work on this together. Another Attempt: I am happy to hear that you want to work on this issue. We can work on it together. Are you unfastened to us working on this together? Label New Skills: Reaching for feedback about assisting procedure.Discussion of Your Practice ObservationsThe client decidedly wanted to work on the life passage. He accepted guidance and came on clip and every session. He did non defy like some clients but opened up about his feelings. He expressed his feelings and was unfastened about many things. Yet, there were times where he was disputing and did non look to desire to work on the life passage. The client appeared stuck on the denial and sometimes bargaining face ( Shulman, 2006 ) . He was overwhelmed with feelings of desperation and guilt. Other times, he wanted to concentrate on peripheral issues and non face the life passage. At one point, the client decided to assail the work and his competency alternatively of concentrating on the work. Yet another clip, he decided that he did non desire to work on the life passage, but instead work on his relationship with his male parent. The client besides at times used turning away behaviour or verboseness to avoid speaking about the painful life passage ( Germain & A ; Gitterman, 1996 ) . For illustration, in one session the client decided to alter topics suddenly and inquire what the worker thought about the school. Another clip the client decided to speak on and on about the Miami Heat hoops squad. Besides, whenever the topic of the client ‘s past experiences came up, the young person either changed the topic or did non desire to speak about it. The worker besides fell abruptly in some countries. The worker should hold referred the young person for household guidance or at least attempted to prosecute the male parent and other members of the household in some guidance through the bureau. The mode should hold included a multi-approach that included single, household, and group guidance. The worker should hold besides used more of the exploring and clear uping accomplishments mentioned by Germain and Gitterman ( 1996 ) . For illustration, the worker should hold explored the feelings of ambivalency and how that affected the curative relationship. The worker should hold identified more resources available to the client and connected that client with the resources. For illustration, the worker should hold explored more with the young person linking with the spiritual leader in his community for support. The young person mentioned the spiritual leader attempted to make out to the young person, and the worker should hold explored t his option farther. In add-on, the worker should hold employed the accomplishment of sessional undertaking more frequently ( Shulman, 2006 ) . There were times where the worker did non re-contract with the client in every session, and during those Sessionss the client normally avoided or switched topics on the worker. At the clip of expiration, the job was non to the full worked out. The client has non reached the credence phase. The client continues to fight with the loss of his female parent, although he does go on to work at the job. The client came a long manner. In the beginning, the client was in choler phase. The client still needs to go on working with a counsellor to assist him accept the loss of his female parent. However, he has come a long manner and before expiration the worker and client were working on accepting the loss and go oning with his life. The expiration procedure was hard for both worker and client likewise. The worker was hesitating about ending because so much work demands to been done. The worker besides experienced what Germain and Gitterman ( 1996 ) refer to as the â€Å" workers shared feelings of unhappiness at dividing †( pp. 323 ) . The worker felt a sense of loss because so much clip and energy was vested in this client and the relationship is stoping. The client was sad besides. However, the client besides employed turning away tactics hebdomads before the stoping stage ( Germain & A ; Gitterman, 1996 ) . For illustration, the client would alter topics whenever expiration was mentioned. Besides during the last session, the client acted as though he forgot this was the last meeting. The client besides asked if the curative relationship could go on for a few hebdomads longer. The worker believes the stoping procedure might hold had a negative impact on the client ‘s life passage. The client seems to see the stoping procedure as another loss. For illustration, the client had mentioned to the worker that the worker was the lone 1 he truly had in his life that he could talk to about the loss of his female parent and other issues. The client seems to experience like person else that he confides in and trusts is go forthing him. The client even mentioned that he will largely likely non happen person once more to show his feelings and concerns with. In add-on, he said that he does non desire to get down all over once more with another counsellor. The worker should hold practiced prevenient empathy and considered the impact of expiration before the last session ( Germain & A ; Gittermain, 1996 ) . The last few semester have thought this societal work intern a batch. The societal work houseman has learned many new accomplishments for pattern with persons, household and groups. The societal work houseman has besides honed in accomplishments that were already at that place but the worker did non cognize they were accomplishments or did non cognize the accomplishment label. The societal work houseman has learned to research issues with clients and non to rapidly supply replies or redresss. Prior to the internship the worker thought that one was suppose to calculate out the job and supply a solution. However, the worker has learned that clients already know what the job is and that provide the reply does non authorise the client. The worker has besides learned empathy and non sympathy. The worker ever thought that understanding was the right emotion to expose with a client. However, the worker has learned that empathy is more powerful and is a great tool to fix the worker for Sessionss with clients. The worker has learned that until one can use anticipatory empathy, the worker will non be prepared for many issues that come up in the session. The accomplishment of empathy has had a enormous affect on this workers pattern. Of the many accomplishments this worker has learned, the accomplishment of empathy has had the most impact in pattern and the most impact on this worker. The worker sees his function as a professional societal worker otherwise now. Prior to the internship the worker idea of a societal worker as person who refers clients to other services or person who provides all the replies to a client ‘s jobs. The worker now sees the function of a societal worker as a span builder and spouse in helping people with their concerns. The worker has besides learned that there are some countries this worker needs to better on. For illustration, larning to disputing clients and face them on their issues. The worker besides needs to larn how to be soundless during Sessionss and allow the client do most of the speaking.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Cosi Essay
Moreover, Nowra displays black comedy through the character’s uncouth and crude dialogue. The approach of a play within a play is used to mirror the life of Lewis within the play itself. It is only through the use of these structural techniques. It is only through the utilisation of such structural techniques that Nowra is able to accentuate the intensity and dramatic impact of Cosi The initial and most dominant structural technique used by Nowra to vividly and visually depict to the audience love and our compassion for ‘others’ in our society, is his use of structure in the text. Act one begins with the play opening in an old and burnt out theatre; theatre; this symbolises the presence of confusion and uncertainty in the atmosphere. However, the theatre undergoes a slow transformation for the characters as the rehearsals gradually progresses. The first act of the play is used to depict the relationship of the characters and their perception of the outside world, â€Å"Will outsiders see the show? †by asking this, Cherry acknowledges the difference between the world she exists in and the rest of society, distancing herself from the outside world and the people in it. Act one show the internal relationships of the characters, which eventually applies the dramatic impact. Moreover, the second act of the play is designed to portray the inner workings of the character’s minds. Nowra uses employs the technique of contrasting the two acts in order to not only show the transformation experiences by the characters, but to also show the two different perspectives of mental health in the 1970s. Thus, Nowra asserts through this technique that there are in fact two competing perspectives of mental health, one within the institution and also an ‘outside’ perception, hence challenging the characters own values and beliefs. *** It can be understood that Nowra uses the structural techniques of contrasting two acts, in order to show a transformation undergone by the characters and to show the inner working verses the outside perspective of mental health in the 1970s. They face their own challenges and values as they learn more about their own abilities. Nowra also demonstrates to the audience that these are ‘extraordinary people’ not judgmentally insane, â€Å"Cosi gave me something to think about, something to do, see I’m happy coming to this burnt out theatre†. Through the use of the two contrasting acts, the audience is Shown the character’s extraordinary change which is accentuated by the use of structural techniques such as the juxtaposition of the two acts, Which allows the characters to transform and finally â€Å"come out of their shells†. Nowra also uses dialogue to contrast characters and highlight to the audience that they are people worthy of viewing in a play. Nowra challenges the audience’s perception of mental health in the twentieth century when he introduces the character Doug, who is a ___(frail and broken young man who perceives life as ‘nothing more than a pile of crap’). Doug’s dialogue is direct and blunt but also intelligent and socially correct when he says _________________________________________________________ the way ‘outsiders’ deal with mental illness in the institution. His use of uninhibited directness highlights that the patients are not afraid to say what they are thinking and that what they are thinking is the same as a person in a broader society. â€Å"You’re not deaf are you? †this type of dialogue indicates that he knows how to behave socially, as he asks the right questions, in fact Lewis seems as if he is mental, hence why Doug asks if he is deaf. In the conversation with Doug and Lewis we see Doug asking questions, which seem to be inappropriate, Lewis ________________quote for when he uses synonyms_______hesitantly replies. Do you love her? , does she sleep around†¦. †From this we see that Doug has good mental agility, as his sequence of Questions are in fact, socially correct.. Moreover, Dough is portrayed as intelligent which is highlighted when he articulates synonyms for ‘location’ and ‘dwelling’. The directness comes at his question, â€Å"are you a poofta? †which ultimate ly gets the laugh from the audience; It is these uncensored, blunt and awkward lines that create the desired shocked but amused response from the audience. The Play within a play is a technique employed to mirror Lewis’ life with the words of an opera and escalate the desired dramatic response by Nowra. When mirroring Lewis’ life, Nowra touches on the theme of love and compels the audience to assess their own attitudes to love at the conclusion of the play. We are encouraged to empathise with the characters as they discover the value of love and loyalty. (Find a quote research play within a play. ) â€Å"What is going to happen to the couples in the future: a life of torment and adultery†. Nowra purposely draws on the consequences of immorality through Zac to show the generalisation on the modern world, towards the end of the play this statement ironically contests’ the final events of Cosi fan tute. Another effect that the play within a play acts as is a filter which allows the audience to see the issues of the external world through the behaviours of the characters. Nowra anticipates the audience to tap into the worries and dilemmas that they face from the actors, â€Å"It’s just that in here you miss out on a lot of changes in society’s morals†. The audience are also involved in the actor’s reality and are able to relate to their lives and reconsider and redefine their own morals and values. Consequently, the audience are drawn into the play to such a real level that they are affected by the character’s problems, feelings, motivations and search for reality. Thus, the technique of mirroring the character’s lives creates a surreal and realistic impact on the audience, hence heightening the vivid effect of Cosi. In order to create an intense and dramatic impact of the play, Nowra utilizes various structural techniques throughout Cosi. The use of two contrasting acts displays the transformation of many significant characters and invites the audience to the concept of transformation of the individual. Moreover, the frank and straightforward dialogue assigned to the characters prove to the audience that Cosi is a play worth viewing and create the desired ‘shock’ response by the audience. Furthermore, Nowra scripts a ‘play within a play’ to compare and contrast the parallel between the play and the lives of the characters, thus extending the dramatic impact of Cosi to each member of the audience.
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