Saturday, May 23, 2020
White Collar Crime - 1831 Words
White collar crime has been present for many years. It may have been over looked, but it still was present even in the twentieth century. White collar crime can be defined as nonviolent, illegal activities that principally involve traditional notions of deceit, deception, concealment, manipulation, breach of trust, subterfuge or illegal circumvention. White collar crime is a broad category containing many different types of offenses. Even things such as music piracy seem to fit this definition. Small crimes such as music piracy or illegal prescription drug buying is not really enforced much because these are not really major crimes. The criminal in this crime is probably an elderly individual or child. Most prosecutions of white collar†¦show more content†¦The first fraudulent scheme that I will discuss is the topic of automobile insurance fraud. According to the Insurance Fraud Institute, the majority of the claims they receive of bodily harm are exaggerated. Many of these people may be hurt, but not to the extent to which they claim to be. Many of these people only want reimbursement for high insurance premium costs, but these claims are what drive up the premium costs in the first place. This accounts for one-third of all insurance fraud cases. Some fraudulent cases come from staged accidents or inflated repair show estimates. Repair may even damage someone s property to purposely raise the amount of the price range that it would cost to get the car fixed. This may seem as if the repair man is doing this just to the individual who brought their car in, but if they have insurance he is defrauding the insurance company also. Many just simply raise price ranges for customers. This is very easy to do to young and elderly individuals. The young victims may not understand, while the elderly probably don t know any better. The next form of insurance fraud I am going to mention deals with phony workers compensation claims. These offenders exaggerate injurie s with the intent of receiving paid work leave or other benefits. You could see this most common in manual labor companies. Some offenders even go as far as to fake an injuryShow MoreRelatedWhite Collar Crime1488 Words  | 6 PagesWelcome to the age of white collar crime. A time when the words thieves and businessmen go hand in hand. White collar criminals dont get their hands dirty in their work. They use their heads to get what they want instead of using a little muscle. These criminals are just as dangerous as the rapists and murderers. In these times, even the most seemingly respectable people are suspected of white collar crimes. President Clinton and the first lady Hillary Clinton have been tangled up in the WhitewaterRead MoreThe And White Collar Crime897 Words  | 4 Pages1. Literature Review Crimes have been occurring in our society for many years and recently the occurrence of non-violent crimes has increased dramatically. Traditional and white collar crimes have two traits in common, an objective and a modus operandi, but the major difference is that a white collar criminal has a plan and also the ability, knowledge and technology to execute it (Nevis, 2012). White-collar crimes can occur at any occupational level and affects all parts of society, from big businessesRead MoreWhite Collar Crimes And Street Crimes1431 Words  | 6 PagesCrimes are one of the many things that all humans have in common. Whether it be a serious crime or not, everyone can commit a crime and go to jail for it. There are two types of crime that can be considered complete opposites of each other. They are white collar crimes and street crimes. White collar crimes are considered nonviolent crimes committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his/her occupation such as fraud, embezzlement, or bribery. On the other hand,Read MoreBlack Collar Crimes And White Collar Crime1956 Words  | 8 Pagesexplaining what white collar crime in its introduction. The paper will then explain the distinct types of white collar crimes, after that different case study’s will be presented from the book to give examples of the diverse types of white collar crimes. After that the paper will talk about the diverse ways to combat white collar crimes while also going over the challenges law enforcement face when fighting white collar crime. Finally, the author will give his conclusion on white collar crime. Read MoreWhite Collar Crimes And Street Crimes1083 Words  | 5 PagesWhite-collar crimes are just as prevalent today as ordinary street crimes. Studies show that criminal acts committed by white-collar criminals continue to increase due to unforeseen opportunities presented in the corporate world, but these crimes are often overlooked or minimally publicized in reference to criminal acts on the street. Many street crimes are viewed as unnecessary, horrendous crimes because they are committed by lower class citizens, whereas white collar crimes are illegal acts committedRead MoreWhite Collar Crime2498 Words  | 10 Pagesdefinition of white collar and white collar crime * Various types of white collar crime B. Thesis statement: There are 3 causes of white collar and 5 way to combat with white collar crime. II. The cause of white collar crime is opportunities to commit crime. A. The loophole of the law and security B. An individual well known the operation of a company, the chances to commit fraud is higher. III. Second causes of white collar crime are workersRead MoreWhite Collar Crime And Corporate Crime1158 Words  | 5 PagesWhite-Collar Crime consists of occupational crime and corporate crime. Occupational crime refers to offences committed against legitimate institutions businesses or government by those with respectable social status. It includes the embezzlement of corporate funds, tax evasion, computer crime and expense-account fraud. It is not every day that we hear about white-collar crimes but these non-violent crimes are on the rise to the top. Federal Bureau of Investigation states that USA, for example recordedRead MorePunishment For White Collar Crimes Essay1533 Words  | 7 Pagesdoors†(Smith and Howat 109). White-collar crimes are explained in â€Å"White-collar crime†as, price fixing, false advertisement, and wiring and tampering with accounts belonging to anyone other than, in this case, the criminal (Levenson). With the advancements in techno logy and increase in satellite towers breaching financial accounts or even obtaining financial information has become effortless. Criminals commit the crime to improve their social status. These crimes do not include physically harmedRead MoreBlack Collar Crime : White Collar1828 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction: Sometimes known as the ‘victimless’ crime, White Collar Crime includes crimes such as fraud, embezzlement and, more often than not, results in the criminal profiting money-wise which is one of the biggest lures into White Collar Crime (WCC). WCC, has become more and more easier and accessible as businesses move closer towards technology and further away from paper documents which makes it easier to commit WCC as, if you knew what you were doing, you could cover your tracks easier thanRead MoreThe Age Of White Collar Crime1463 Words  | 6 PagesWelcome to the age of white collar crime. A time when the words thieves and businessmen go hand in hand. White collar criminals don’t get their hands dirty in their work. They use their heads to get what they want instead of using a little muscle. These criminals are just as dangerous as the rapists and murderers. In these times, even the most seemingly respectable people are suspected of white collar crimes. President Clinton and the first lady Hillary Clinton have been tangled up in the Whitewater
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Thesis About Drop-Out Students - 3550 Words
Chapter I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND I. Introduction Many young people make decisions in their early years that can affect not only their personal welfare, but also their society as a whole. Some students fail to complete school and may become unemployed instead of becoming productive member of the society. One of the major problem the Philippine education is facing right now, especially in the public schools is the high percentage in the drop – out rate. Each year, the Department of Education introduces different methods to answer the continuous decrease in the internal efficiency especially the drop – out rate in different schools. There is really a need for an advocacy to further supplement the idea of â€Å"†¦show more content†¦Out of the 1500 students of Betis High School, 50 students were used as a sample in conducting a survey. This study limits its coverage to the first and second year students only. Its main purpose is to identify the common problems that the drop-out students encounter and to propose possible solutions regarding this problem. This study considers every aspects of students personal information that has an impact on their academic performances such as their parents educational background, their parents income, their gender and age. Each of the respondents are given same questionnaires to answer. And this study focus on the current first and second year students of Betis High School S.Y 2011-2012. VIII. Definition of Terms 1. Delimited - to establish the limits or boundaries of demarcate. 2. Hindrance - something that hinders : obstacle 3. Supplement - something added to complete a thing make up for deficiency or extend or strengthen the whole. 4. Swifter - quick to act or react. 5. Respondents - one who responds. 6. Efficiency - quality of being efficient. 7. Personal Welfare - financial or aid provided especially by the government to people in need. 8. Drop – out - one who quits school. 9. Economic Stability - the condition of being stable. Chapter IIShow MoreRelatedThe Lively Art of Writing Chapters 1 and 2 Answers1689 Words  | 7 Pagesnarrowing the topic down to a single or few aspects. In group E-H, the choice would be Driver Training Programs Cost Too Much. This is an excellent topic for both support and opposition and for looking though the viewpoints of multiple people, such as students, parents, or other people in a community. The winner of best topic in the third group (I-J) would go to Moby Dick, Americas greatest novel. This statement would relate to anyone who has read the novel and has created an opinion on the quality ofRead MoreEvaluation Of Sources And Argumrnts On Developing Critical Thinking Skills860 Words  | 4 PagesAs an International student, writing course is and has always been one of the most challenging courses. However, this class helped me to improve my writing skills. 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Thus, when I communicate, either by speaking or writing a paper, I cannot clearly express my ideas in a way that allows my professor to interpret that I fully understand a text,†supported the thesis because it expressed evidence that being a minority had detrimentalRead MoreMost Of The Time People Wake Up And Do There Normal Morning1404 Words  | 6 Pagesup and do there normal morning routine without thinking much about it. Why is it that we don’t question the things we do on a normal basis? Why do we do the things we do? Growing up we are told and taught things that are accepted by society. One of those things is that after high school, graduates are supposed to go to college. Ken Saxon speaks about this in his essay â€Å"What do you do with a B.A. in History?†. Ken argues that most students in college go be cause that is what society says they shouldRead MoreMandatory Conscription In The Military895 Words  | 4 Pagesthere are many educational and occupational benefits for American soldiers. Many citizens of the United States today do not know about these benefits. If they did, they might change their opinion on the draft and conscription as a requirement. There are many skills and benefits to be gained from enlisting in the army that can help an individual prosper in life. 3. Thesis Statement: 1. Mandatory conscription does not prevent American citizens from attaining their educational and occupational goalsRead MoreStress Student959 Words  | 4 Pagesinformative speech Purpose: To inform the audience about student stress. Thesis: Today I will discuss about sources and effects of student stress and efficient ways to manage this emotional and physical strain. Organizational Pattern: I. Introduction  A. Attention Getter According to the Student Living Report 2002, an ongoing survey of student experiences carried out by MORI for the UNITE Group, more than half of students (53%) said they had become more stressed since startingRead MoreAre Too Many People Going to College Essay1146 Words  | 5 Pagesessay fails to take into consideration the various motivators that can lead to student success, despite where that student might be on Murray’s ability ladder (Murray Paragraph 13). This essay seeks to analyze Murray’s claims about why the pursuit of a traditional, four-year college education can do more harm than good when it comes to defining success for the individual learner. Rhetorical Analysis The main thesis of Murray’s essay is that the unrealistic pursuit of a college degree, propagatesRead MoreThe Common Core State Standards881 Words  | 4 Pageson the same academic level by high school graduation. As the global marketplace becomes increasingly more competitive, the United States hopes that Common Core will enable the coming generations to be better prepared. As of right now, my working thesis is Common Core is overall unsuccessful in its effort, and discontinuing or, at the least, replacing it would improve the testing scores /academic progresses, mental health, and attitude towards school of the children in the United States. My twoRead MoreStatus Of The Historiography Of Chicano Education899 Words  | 4 Pagesfeel unfit for the Anglo-Society. This prevented Chicanos students from attending school and developing English literacy. For instance, the article mentions how schools located in California and Texas excluded Mexicans from attending primary a nd secondary school because Chicanos lacked an understanding of the language English. After the Bilingual Eduction of Act of 1968 was passed, school districts created special programs to encourage students of low-income to develop a better understanding of EnglishRead MoreSpeech On Let s Talk Success1731 Words  | 7 Pagesmet at a national education summit in Washington, D.C. to discuss ways to improve the nation’s drop out record. In total, 22 states signed a pledge to improve their graduation rates. Each year the Department of Education releases a report with the national statistics on the number of students who drop out from public K-12 education. Despite the plethora of accurate statistics on the number of students leaving school there are various reasons attributed to why less than $200,000 of federal money has
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Input Controls Free Essays
Input Controls When we talk about input controls, what are we really talking about? Input control includes the necessary measures to ensure that data is correct, complete, and secure. A system analyst must focus on input control during every phrase of input design, starting with source documents that promote data accuracy and quality. (Shelly Rosenblatt, (2012)). We will write a custom essay sample on Input Controls or any similar topic only for you Order Now Input controls can help the flow of data in a database to be the same format and easy to understand. Without input controls there can be data integrity errors that could occur and cause information to be incorrect in the database. There are advantages and disadvantages to restricting user interfaces to limit a person ability of typing in too much information or maybe not enough information. Although there are many different types of input controls in this paper there will be only four of them that are addressed in this paper; this would include input mask, validation rules, source documents and batch input. First let’s talk about input mask. Input mask is an appearance that helps to characterize what type of contact is allowed in a given field on a template. The main purpose behind the input mask is to keep the data entry process somewhat the same and decrease the chances for incorrect data to be entered into the field. The input field entry can be configured to allow automatic field input as a way of saving time and resources. Input mask is created doing the process of computer programming. The fields on the template are recognized with specific control values. The values make it impossible to enter data that is not compatible with the values. An example of that would be when a field that contains an input mask that only allows letters will automatically reject the input of numbers and another one would be automatically converting the input into an adequate format an example of that would be when the input mask requires that the date field on the template specifies a format that is structured as date/month/year. Even if you enter the date into the field follows a month/date/year format, the input system reads the entered data and automatically converts it into the proper form. Input mask is a type of tool which had been developed for the purpose of telling the person that what sort of things need to be provided as an input so that the desired output can be achieved. The input mask basically acts as developer software. The text box is the tool where the input needs to be entered. The input mask can also act as a template or a simple format and this basically differs from situation to situation. In this transcription errors are the one which needs to be reduced and this is done through the way of data integrity which is one of the most basic features of the input mask. Validation rule is a criterion used in the process of data validation, carried out after the data has been encoded onto an input medium and involves a data vet or validation program. This is distinct from formal verification, where the operation of a program is determined to be that which was intended, and that meets the purpose. This method is to check that data fall the correct parameters defined by the systems analyst. A judgment as to whether data is official which is possible made by the validation program, but it cannot ensure the entire accurateness. This can only be achieved through the use of all the clerical and computer controls built into the system at the design stage. The difference between data authority and correctness can be illustrated with a trivial example. An example of validations rules is when a user cannot misspell a customer name if it is not entered, or is entered automatically based on the user enter the customer ID. (Shelly Rosenblatt, (2012)). There are at least eight different types of data validation rules; a sequence check, existence check, data type check, range check, reasonableness check, validity check, combination check and batch controls. Source documents is a form used to request and collect input data, trigger or authorize an input action, and provide a record of the original transaction. Source documents generally are paper based. Some examples of source documents would be cash receipt, cancelled check, invoice sent or received, credit memo for a customer refund and employee time sheet. At a bare minimum, each source document should include the date, the amount, and a description of the transaction. When practical, beyond these minimum requirements source documents should contain the name and address of the other party of the transaction. When a source document does not exist, for example, when a cash receipt is not provided by a vendor or is absent, a document should be generated as soon as possible after the operation, using other documents such as bank statements to support the information on the generated source document. Once a transaction has been journalized, the source document should be filed and made retrievable so that connections can be verified should the need arise at a later date. Batch input is a process when data entry is performed on a specified time schedule, such as daily, weekly, monthly, or longer. An example of this would be when a payroll department collects time cards at the end of the week and enters the data as a batch. Some advantages of batch input are collection and entering can be done off-line, entering data can be done by trained personnel, processing can be done very quickly and can be done during non-peak times. Now for some of the disadvantages are, data collection usually has to be a centralized activity, data entry usually needs to be done by specially trained personnel. The processing activity is delayed; hence the possibility exists for data to be considered old or untimely when it finally gets processed. Since processing is usually done during off-hours, input errors detected during processing would not get corrected until the next regularly scheduled processing of input data. The off-hours computer operator may have to call the systems analyst or programmer if the program malfunctions. Below you will see a design for a web-based input for making a hotel reservation which will be using many of the concepts that are mentioned in the paper when talking about input controls. We will look at it in phases. Information gathering Phase 1 – Search and evaluation Input stay requirements – including location (city) and proposed dates of stay Compare and evaluate results – user may view multiple hotel / room / rate combinations Decide – user decides which hotel / room / rate combination meets their requirements Reservation making Phase 2 – Selection Select hotel, room and rate – the user selects the hotel / room / rate they wish to book Select additional rooms and rates – the user adds additional rooms if required Phase 3 – Checkout Input guest details – such as name, address, email address etc. Input payment details – such as credit card details or other payment method Confirm reservation Standard booking processes Screen 1Screen 2Screen 3 Screen 2 Screen 3 Enter search criteria: †¢ Dates †¢ City name [SUBMIT] Display hotels: Hotel 1 [SELECT] Hotel 2 [SELECT] Hotel 3 [SELECT] Display and select rates: Hotel 1 Rate 1 [SELECT] Rate 2 [SELECT] Rate 3 Figure 1: Three-stage screen flow Figure 2: Selection of hotel – ‘Screen 2’ example from Opodo. co. uk Figure 3: Selection of rate – ‘Screen 3’ example from Trip. com Screen 1Screen 2 Enter search criteria: †¢ City †¢ Dates [SUBMIT] Display hotels: Hotel 1 Rate 1 [SELECT] Rate 2 [SELECT] Rate 3 [SELECT] Hotel 2 Rate 1 [SELECT] Rate 2 [SELECT] Rate 3 [SELECT] Hotel 3 Rate 1 [SELECT] Rate 2 [SELECT] Rate 3 [SELECT] Figure 4: Two-stage screen flow Figure 5: Selection of rate and hotel – ‘Screen 2’ example from Expedia. co. uk TABLE 1: Search and evaluation styles Search and evaluation style Travel agency Hotel only Hotel chain Total A Select hotel on screen 2 Select rate on screen 3 10 13 6 29 B Select hotel and rate together on one screen 6 17 2 25 Other -132033 Table 1 demonstrates that for travel agencies and hotel-only websites, there is an even split between using style A and style B. The table also shows that hotel chains generally use other search and evaluation styles. References Amas. syr. edu. 8 Dec 2011. Application Self Evaluation. Retrieved 9 Feb 2012 from http://amas. syr. edu/AMAS/display. cfm? content_ID=%23%28%28%25! %0A Noyes, Brian. 2010 June. Enforcing Complex Business Data Rules with WPF. Retrieved on 9 Feb 2012 from http://msdn. microsoft. com/en-us/magazine/ff714593. aspx Shelly, G. B. , Rosenblatt, H. J. (2012). System Analysis and Design (9th ed. ). Boston: Thomson Course Technology. How to cite Input Controls, Papers Input Controls Free Essays | | |Input Controls | | | | | Many company’s do their best to protect data entry of the company, clients, consumers, and employees. The user interfaces consist of process-control which allows screen command from user in the system. Input controls will ensure that the data entered is safe, secure, complete and accurate. We will write a custom essay sample on Input Controls or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Data can be entered into a computer application from either manual online input or by scheduled automated processing. The input control reviewer should determine the adequacy of both manual and automated controls over data input to ensure that data is input accurately with optimum use of computerized validation and editing and that error handling procedures facilitate the timely and accurate resubmission of all corrected data†( Application Self Evaluation. , September 25, 2012). The four types of input controls are audit trails, encryption, password security, and data security. An audit trail takes the source of the data from the each system, and record it once entered. In most businesses they have an audit group that records everything within the system. It can also reconstruct events after problems have occurred, monitor the system or problem, and prevent unauthorized access. â€Å"A company might also use an audit trail to provide a basis for account reconciliation, to provide a historical report to plan and support budgets, and to provide a record of sales in case of a tax audit†(Rouse, M. , n. d. ). Audit trails is broken into many parts such as individual accountability, reconstruction of events, problem monitoring and intrusion detection. Individual accountability consists of action from the user that is monitor and tracked, which in turn gives them accountability of their own actions. This pushes the users into following policies and procedures set by the company and if taken advantage of the user will then be accountable for their actions. When there is a problem they will reconstruct the events by assess the amount of damages in the review report to pinpoint how, when, and they the particular problem occurred. When it comes to problem monitoring audit trail would use monitoring and tracking software in order to find the problem that occurred online. the results will be presented to the IT department real-time and helps to detect system problems, such as hardware failure, over utilization of resources and network outages. Intrusion detection detects any unauthorized access or use of any system and the audit trail will record the data. That data is then effectively research in order to aid intrusion detection. Encryption is the most effective and efficient type of input controls. When you see that your data is secured, and protected this mean that it is encrypted. Encryption is broken up into two main functions such as symmetric and asymmetric. Both are great encryptions tools but the difference is in how they encrypt data. Symmetric encrypt and decrypt data with the same key whereas asymmetric encrypt and decrypt data with different keys. When we talk about keys we are referring to private keys and public keys. The public key is freely distributed and private key is then we have password security input control which is a vital component on any network. Many industry use one of the many types of encryption to be able run on their network it will depend on the policies and procedures that are set. Password must be secured in many ways such as they will need to be in a certain length, and a combination of characters. Most company’s make users change password every 30 to 60 days or more. It all depends on the policies and procedures they have set. From the user stand point it is tedious to continue changing your password all the time. The best way to ease the pain from the user is the have to be properly educated on why passwords have to be so complex and why they have to be change within a certain timeframe. Another input control is data security these are procedures that protect the system from data loss. Data security ensures the company’s privacy of information is being protected. Audit trail stored the files and reports, then data security protect those files from unauthorized access. Data security is ran on a regular basis by the IT team, which is sometimes called maintenance on the network to be able to backup, store, secured and protect all data. If the data input controls were not in place the integrity of those errors can render any system to malfunction. If the system malfunction this could lead to disk crash, computer failures, and sensitive information would not be secured. Therefore, if sensitive information is not protected then anyone within the company will have access to it. If the system starts to malfunction and the network is down this can cause the whole company to lose data and financial lose. In order to minimize such errors from developing most business would backup information on a regular basis. They can use of error detections and correction software by there IT department to rapidly defend against any issues. Companies can use validation rules to reduce the number of error and improve data quality. Whereas data recovery utilities can restore data loses and damages. Most companies will follow and policies and procedures to makes sure business needs are met. The input controls provided by graphical user interfaces (GUIs) constrain input values to help meet database integrity and validation rules. Sometimes, however, the only data available to be entered is considered invalid. Similarly, there are other times when the data to be entered is valid but is known to be inaccurate†(Flexible Input Controls, n. d). User interface design is the way data is communicated between one or more systems and how the user interacts with such system. This user interface must understand the user principles and human interactions. This is why the user interface is an essential component of system development lifecycle. Input mask is an effective way to prevent errors and data entries. The advantages of restricting users within the user interfaces are only allowing them to access to certain information. Therefore the user will not change any configurations or settings within the user interface. They will not allowing them to access personal information other than their own. A disadvantage of not having restrictions is that the system is not protected. Users are gaining access to personal and sensitive information. [pic] References Rouse, M. (n. d. ). What is audit trail? – Definition from WhatIs. com. CIO information, news and tips – SearchCIO. com. Retrieved November 18, 2012, from http://searchcio. techtarget. com/definition/audit-trail Flexible Input Controls for Humane User Interfaces | Usability, etc.. (n. d. ). Usability, etc. | Making things easier to use and understand. Retrieved November 18, 2012, from http://usabilityetc. com/articles/flexible-input-controls/ Application Self Evaluation. (2012, September 25). AMAS Website. Retrieved November 15, 2012, from http://amas. syr. edu/AMAS/display. cfm? content_ID=%23((%25! %0A How to cite Input Controls, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
The Comparison free essay sample
Career Goal and Research Well I have always wanted to be a Marine Biologist, Homicide Detective, or a Forensic Pathologist it Is simply because I love science It simply makes me wonder about so many things. My top choice right now would be a Homicide Detective and then later on In the years Ill make sure I accomplish all my goals. This Is what I want to do simply because I love science.I also think learning more about the body Is amazing, and how accidents happen always leave you wondering. The degree Ill need to become a Hornblende Detective Is high school for police officers, college associates of bachelors degree for higher ranks. Law enforcement agencies may require additional training. There isnt really anything they ask for to work in this kind of field, if you want is optional you can attend college and then go to college for two years receive your bachelors degree it only gives you a higher ann. We will write a custom essay sample on The Comparison or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page .You also have the option to start as a police three years as a police patrol then you get promotion. Normally you first take a competitive promotional exam. If you pass, then you can choose to become either a sergeant and manage other patrol officers, or to become a detective and do investigate work. Well I really dont need anything to be done in High school but only graduate, but indeed Im also taking all the science class possible in high school, so far I have taken ix science classes.My actual job title will be a Homicide detective after I go through the whole process and the median salary range is about 68,820. The top paying statements is the District of Columbia, New Jersey, Delaware, California, and Alaska. Where I see myself in ten years is already working as a Homicide Detective and working on getting my other goal completed which is becoming a Forensic Pathologist and doing a total of eight years of school including college and university.
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