Tuesday, November 19, 2019

US Airways Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

US Airways - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that in the diversified airline industry that the developed world is experiencing, it is clear all types of challenges that the general economy has also affect the airline industry. The role of the management team in the midst of such challenges will continue to have a huge bearing on the operations and profitability of the players. Challenge identification coupled with the appropriate solution finding mechanism will prove to be the solution in the market marred by several uncertainties. Throughout the report, management intervention is informed by the identification of a specific challenge that the firm’s operations seem to be linked to. Offering a response to the challenges in a flexible management age is the way to handle these challenges. The US Airways is a merger of two players in the US airline industry since 2005 yet some of the challenges that characterize the market continue to pose operation threats to the firm. In this di scourse, an analysis of the challenges is made after highlighting the origin of the modern situation of the American commercial airline industry. From the highlighted challenges, a list of possible managerial interventions is introduced and briefly discussed. In another section, some of these interventions are discussed in detail, to clarify their relevance within the scope of US Airline Group. Finally, a roll-out plan of these alternatives is included, with clear timelines and projected expenditure. An order of merit is applied in the presentation of the practicality of the interventions.

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